echo "papa"; ------ PHP code within a paragraph
echo "Hello," . " " . "world" . "!"; ---- Concatanation operator in PHP
$myName="Venkat"; --- Variable declaration
$items = 7;
if($items > 5) { -----------------------If-else condition in php
echo "You get a 10% discount!";
else {
echo "You get a 5% discount!";
switch (2) {
case 0:
echo 'The value is 0';
case 1:
echo 'The value is 1'; -------- Switch statement
case 2:
echo 'The value is 2';
echo "The value isn't 0, 1 or 2";
$array = array("Egg", "Tomato", "Beans"); --- Array in php
$tens = array(10, 20, 30, 40, 50); ---- print array element
print $tens{2};
echo $tens[2];
$languages = array("HTML/CSS",
"JavaScript", "PHP", "Python", "Ruby"); ---modiying elements of array
echo $languages[1];
unset($languages[3]); ----- to remove array elements
for ($leap = 2004; $leap < 2050; $leap = $leap + 4) { ----- for loop in php
echo "<p>$leap</p>";
<link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheet.css" />
<title>Codecademy Languages</title>
<h1>Languages you can learn on Codecademy:</h1> ----- This is how you use PHP inside a html doc and use CSS around the html tags
<div class="wrapper">
$langs = array("JavaScript",
"Python", "Ruby");
foreach ($langs as $lang) {
echo "<li>$lang</li>";
$sentence = array("I'm ", "learning ", "PHP!"); ---- foreach in php for array
foreach($sentence as $word){
echo $word;
//Add while loop below --while loop in php
$i = 0;
do {
echo $i;
} while ($i > 0); --- do while loop o php
// Get the length of your own name
// and print it to the screen!
$length = strlen("venkat"); -------- to get the lenght of a string
print $length;
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