This is a perl One lines blogs, helpful for all of you.These one liners help in almost all days of work .Weather you are working professional or not this can help you in leveraging your perl skill .Enjoy..!!!
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====== Perl one liner ======
Created Friday 22 August 2014
permanent change the contents of a file
__perl -pi -e 's/b/c/g' <filemame>__
to change on one particular line
__perl -pi -e 's/c/venkat/g if/3/' qwe__
to change whereever digits are mentioned
__perl -pi -e 's/c/d/g if /\d/' qwe__
the sequence of p and i should be pi and not ip , in the option otherwise it will not work.
to find duplicate lines in a file
__perl -ne 'print if $a{$_}++' qwe __
__ls -lrt|awk '{print $1}'|perl -ne 'print if $a{$_}++'__
Numbering the output
__ls -lrt|perl -ne 'print " $.$_"'__
to print dulicate lines along with numbering
__ls -lrt|awk '{print $9}'|perl -ne 'print if $a{$_}++'|perl -ne 'print "$. .$_"'__
to print all lines which are duplicate and also their corresponding position numbers
__ls -lrt|awk '{print $9}'|perl -ne 'print "$. .$_" if $a{$_}++'__
finding the sum of the number of fields in a row
__ls|perl -MList::Util=sum -alne 'print sum @F'__
finding the date certain days ago from current date
__perl -MPOSIX -le '@t=localtime;$t[3]-=129999;print scalar localtime mktime @t'__
Thu Sep 19 08:56:24 1658
creating a 8 letter random password
__perl -le 'print map{("a".."z")[rand 26]}1..8'__
decimal number associated with the IP address
__perl -le 'print unpack("N",'__
to add the columns
__ls -lrt|awk '{print $5}'|perl -lane '$sum+=$F[0];END{print $sum}'__
__ls -lrt|perl -lanF'\s+' -e '$sum+=$F[4];END{print $sum}'__
Double spacing a file
__ls -lrt|perl -pe '$\="\n"'__
This is to substr the ls command
__ls -lrt|perl -ne '$v=substr($_,0,10);print "$v\n"'__
pattern matching
__ls -lrt|perl -ne 'if(substr($_,0,10)=~/total|rw/){print "$_";}'__
perl -e 'print "venkat","is","a","good","boy\n"'
perl -we '$a="abac";$b="nanana";print "$a"," $b\n"'
clubbing during print using ()
perl -e '$a="abac";$b="nanana";print ("$a\n")," $b\n"'
printing tab
perl -e 'print "\t"'
printing an alarm
perl -e 'print "\a"'
backspace on one char
perl -e 'print "abc\b"'
printing binary to decimal
perl -e 'print 00100'
printing hex to dec
perl -e 'print 0xBDF'
here texts
efhjklx@6KV2ZR1:~$ perl -e 'print<<EOF;
> hello r u there
> '
hello r u there
here text used for variable intepolation
efhjklx@6KV2ZR1:~$ perl -e '$a="adf";print<<'EOF';
> $a
> EOF'
dot operator
perl -e 'print "a"."n\n"'
repeat operator
perl -e 'print "hi\n"x3'
range op
perl -e 'print 1..12,"\n"'
operators for numerics
efhjklx@6KV2ZR1:~$ perl -e '$a=6;$a+=3;print $a."\n"'
efhjklx@6KV2ZR1:~$ perl -e '$a=6;$a/=3;print $a."\n"'
efhjklx@6KV2ZR1:~$ perl -e '$a=6;$a**=3;print $a."\n"'
efhjklx@6KV2ZR1:~$ perl -e '$a=6;$a*=3;print $a."\n"'
efhjklx@6KV2ZR1:~$ perl -e '$a=6;$a-=3;print $a."\n"'
efhjklx@6KV2ZR1:~$ perl -e '$a=6;$a.=3;print $a."\n"'
efhjklx@6KV2ZR1:~$ perl -e '$a=6;$a%=3;print $a."\n"'
efhjklx@6KV2ZR1:~$ perl -e '$a=6;$a&=3;print $a."\n"'
efhjklx@6KV2ZR1:~$ perl -e '$a=6;$a|=3;print $a."\n"'
efhjklx@6KV2ZR1:~$ perl -e '$a=6;$a^=3;print $a."\n"'
efhjklx@6KV2ZR1:~$ perl -e '$a=6;$a<<=3;print $a."\n"'
efhjklx@6KV2ZR1:~$ perl -e '$a=6;$a>>=3;print $a."\n"'
efhjklx@6KV2ZR1:~$ perl -e '$a=6;$a&&=3;print $a."\n"'
efhjklx@6KV2ZR1:~$ perl -e '$a=6;$a||=3;print $a."\n"'
perl -e '$a=<STDIN>;print $a."\n"'
chomping of STDIN
perl -e 'chomp($a=<STDIN>);print $a'
assigning arrays and getting them to print
perl -e '@a=`ls`;print @a[3...10]'
how to sleep in perl
perl -e '@a=`ls`;sleep 2;print @a[3...10];'
printing thru elements of array one by one
perl -e '@a=`ls`;for $a(@a){print $a;sleep 1}'
using scratch variable
perl -e '@a=`ls`;for(@a){print $_;sleep 1}'
use of reverse operator
perl -e '@a=`ls`;for(reverse(@a)){print $_;sleep 1}'
use of pop in arrays
perl -e '@a=`ls`;print pop(@a)'
use of sort op
perl -e '@a=`ls`;for(sort(@a)){print $_;sleep 1}'
use of @ARGV
perl -e 'foreach(@ARGV){print $_."\n"}' one 2 3
use of STDIN in while
perl -e 'while(<STDIN>){print $_}'
infinite loop
perl -e 'while(1){print "venkat"}'
how to split lines into rows
perl -e '@a=`ls -lrt`;foreach(@a){split/\s+/,$_;print $_[7]."\n"}'
perl -e 'print "a"'
printing with warnings
perl -w -e 'print "a"'
printing with a new line by itself
perl -wl -e 'print "a"'
doing a cat with perl
perl -wl -e 'print "a"' abc.Z
here the n option does the while looping
perl -wnl -e 'print' abc.Z
here the p option does the while looping with automatic printing
perl -wpl -e '' abc.Z
to print sed like behaviour
perl -wln -e 's/^/ /g;print;' abc.Z
the $. operator prints the line numbers
perl -wln -e 'print "$."' abc.Z
printf can be used to remove new line at the end of every feed
perl -wln -e 'printf "$."' corruptFiles.log
indentations for primary line in paragraph mode
perl -00 -wln -e 's/^/ /g;print' corruptFiles.log
perl -0777 -wln -e 's/^/ /g;print' corruptFiles.log
piping and $_ variable for printing
ls -lrt|perl -wnl -e 'print $_'
counting number of lines
ls -lrt|perl -wnl -e 'print $.'
ls -lrt|perl -wnl -e 'print $.'|wc -l
printing the result with period concatanation operator
ls -lrt|perl -wn -e 'print "$.".":"'
printing the result along with the result besides it
ls -lrt|perl -wn -e 'print "$.".": ";print'
ls -lrt|perl -wn -e 'print "$.|"."$_"'
printing the user defined variables
ls -lrt|perl -wn -e '$venkat="this is the line number:";print "$venkat"."$.: "."$_"'
matching for $_
ls -lrt|perl -wlnaF'\s+' -e 'if(m/per/){print $F[7]}'
matching a string and running the if-else condition followed by END signifier
ls -lrt|perl -wlnaF'\s+' -e '$a="perl";if($a=~/abc/){print $F[7]}else{END{print "wrong"}}'
make a perl grep function
ls -lrt|perl -wnl -e '/perl/ and print'
printing with greping on coloum
ls -lrt|perl -wlnaF'\s+' -e '$F[7]=~m/perl/ and print $F[7]'
escaping a single quote witin perl
perl -wln -e '/\047kj/ and print' abc.Zperl -wln -e '/^venkat/ and print' abc.Z
character class usage
perl -wln -e '/[\047]/ and print' abc.Z
perl -wln -e '/[\047]kj/ and print' abc.Z
usage of begining anchor
perl -wln -e '/^venkat/ and print' abc.Z
complemented characters
perl -wln -e '/[^venkat is good]/ and print' abc.Z
matching with dot
perl -wln -e '/k.e/ and print' abc.Z
matching with character range
perl -wln -e '/[a-b]/ and print' abc.Z
matching with end anchor
perl -wln -e '/j$/ and print' abc.Z
getting the most recent of matches done
perl -wln -e '/j$/ and print $&' abc.Z
digit interpolation
perl -wln -e '/\bwin\d\d\d/ and print' abc.Z
to simulate grep -v
perl -wln -e '/\d\d\d/ or print' abc.Z
dicarding empty lines and printing with grep -v
perl -wln -e '/^$/ or print' abc.Z |perl -wnl -e '/\bwin\d\d\d/ or print'
perl -wln -e '/^$/ or /\bwin\d\d\d/ and print' abc.Z
printing the filename where the pattern isall_msisdn_sdp7 found
perl -wln -e '/\bwinCD\b/ and print $ARGV and close ARGV' *
ignoring case
perl -wnl -e '/wincd/i and print' abc.Z
ls -lrt|perl -wnl -e '/abc|perl|personal/i and print'
ls -lrt|perl -wnl -e '/(abc|perl|personal)/i and print'
usnig quantifiers
ls -lrt|perl -wnl -e '/(rwxr)+/ and print'
repetition range
ls -lrt|perl -wnl -e '/(rwx){1,2}/ and print'
paragraph mode will print lines above and below the matched lines and only withing that paragraph
perl -00 -wnl -e '/kj/ and print' abc.Z
how to print multiple args with commoa sepall_msisdnerated print
perl -wnl -e 'print "venkat ","is perl -w -e 'print "what is the pattern you want to search:";chomp(my $a=<STDIN>);print "\n";@b=`ls -lrt`;foreach (@b){m/$a/i and print and print "\n"}'","at ","ericsson ";'
printing a tab and characters followed by it
perl -wl -e 'print "\ta\tb"'
converting from hexal to decimal
perl -wl -e 'print 0xF'
perl -wl -e 'print hex("0F")'
converting from octal to decimal--just prepend the number you want to print with 0
perl -wl -e 'print 01112'
perl -wl -e 'print oct("0F")'
heretext in perl
perl -wl -e 'print<<EOF
venkat is god
and nice
perl -wl -e '4>=2 and print "corret"'
usnig quantifiers
repetition operator
perl -wl -e 'print "venkat\n"x4'
printing the ASCII value of a value
perl -wl -e 'print ord("a")'
cmp comparision this will give u 1 value if it is true otherwise empty
perl -wl -e 'print "venkat" cmp "ven"'
perl -wl -e 'print "venkat" ne "ven"'
perl -wl -e 'print "venkat" eq "ven"'
range operator
perl -wl -e 'print 1...10'
autoincrement and decrement operator
perl -wl -e '$a=1;print $a;$a++;print $a'
example of lexical variable with my operator
perl -wl -e '$a=10;print $a;{my $a=20;print $a}'
example with global tyesetting and local assignement
perl -wl -e 'our $a=10;print $a;{my $a=20;print $a};print $a'
greping in ls -lrt using STDIN,foreach and chomp
perl -wl -e 'print "hi";chomp(my $a=<STDIN>);@b=`ls -lrt`;foreach (@b){m/$a/i and print}'
perl -w -e 'print "what is the pattern you want to search:";chomp(my $a=<STDIN>);print "\n";@b=`ls -lrt`;foreach (@b){m/$a/i and print and print "\n"}'
assiging and printing an entire array or list
perl -wl -e '@b=(123,456);print @b'
perl -wl -e '@b=qw/123 456/;print @b'perl -l -e 'my $a=50;while($a>10){print $a;$a--}'
printing the element of an array with position number starting at 0
perl -wl -e 'print qw/123 456/[1]'
perl -wl -e 'print qw/123 456/[0,1]'
accessing ranges of elements in an array
perl -wl -e 'print qw/123 456 10 11 123 1123 125/[0..5]'
working with hashes
perl -l -e '@a=`ls -lrt`;%b=@a;for(keys(%b)){print values(%b)}'
perl -l -e '@a=qw/abc 123 def 456 ghi 789 jkl 101112/;%b=@a;for(keys(%b)){print "$_ is actually $b{$_}"}
defined fuctionality
perl -l -e 'our $a;our $b,$b=20;if(defined $a){print "yes it is defined"}else{print "there is no value";if(defined $b){print $b}}'
usage of die
perl -l -e 'our $a;our $b,$b=20;defined $a or die "there is no value";'
usage of for and shortcut to if conditional cascade block
perl -wl -e 'print "your choice";my $ch=<STDIN>;for($ch){$_==1 and print "One";$_==2 and print "two"}'
while looping
perl -l -e 'my $a=50;while($a>10){print $a;$a--}'
infinite loop
perl -l -e 'while(1){print `date`}'
splitting columns
perl -wl -e '@a=`ls -lrt`;foreach $a(@a){@b=split/\s+/,$a;print $b[7]}'
opening a file and printing contents with file handle
perl -wl -e 'open FH,"/home/efhjklx/abc.Z" or die $!;@a=<FH>;print @a'perl -w -e '$|=1;for(1..20){print ".";sleep 1}'
perl -w -e 'open FH,"/home/efhjklx/abc.Z" or die $!;while(<FH>){print}'
appending to a file
perl -w -e 'open FH,">>/home/efhjklx/abc.Z" or die $!;print FH "venkat";print FH 1...10'
using select filehandle utility
perl -w -e 'open FH,">>/home/efhjklx/abc.Z" or die $!;select FH;print "venkat";print 1...10'
using $| for buffer switching off
perl -w -e '$|=1;for(1..20){print ".";sleep 1}'
reading from a directory
perl -wl -e 'opendir DH,"/home/efhjklx/Desktop";while($_=readdir(DH)){print}'
-c option is for checking the perl script syntax
perl -c new
to enter into CPAN shell for installation purpose
perl -MCPAN -e shell
example of installing module with aptitude command
first search for a module with following command
sudo apt-cache search perl*
then install using this command
sudo apt-get install libgeo-ipfree-perl
this another way of installing modules on perl
perl -MCPAN -e 'install modulename'
to update perl on your PC
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install perl
how to parse fields with module Text::CSV_XS and delimiting a CSV file with pipe
perl -w -M'Text::CSV_XS' -e 'open FH,"/home/efhjklx/Desktop/a" or die $!;local $/="\n";while(<FH>){my $a=Text::CSV_XS->new;$a->parse(<FH>);my @f=$a->fields;local $"="|";print "@f\n"}'
to print time in perl in seconds format.
perl -e 'print time."\n"'
time elapsed between to variables
perl -e 'my $a=time;sleep 5;my $b=time;print "the number of seconds elapsed is: ",$b-$a,"secs\n"'
printing localtime func in scalar notation
perl -e 'print scalar localtime,"\n"'
Fri Jul 6 03:58:02 2012
printing epoch time in local time scalar format
perl -e 'print scalar localtime(0),"\n"'
Thu Jan 1 05:30:00 1970
how to check which modules are installed on perl
efhjklx@6KV2ZR1:~/Desktop$ instmodsh
Available commands are:
l - List all installed modules
m <module> - Select a module
q - Quit the program
cmd? l
Installed modules are:
cmd? q
this is where you get the module list for perl on ubuntu
this is how to install .deb file for packages in ubuntu
sudo dpkg -i package.deb
to interact with databases
perl -we 'use DBI;my $dbh=DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:orcl","venkatabc","venkat",{RaiseError=>1,AutoCommit=>0});my $sql=qq{select sysdate from dual};$sth=$dbh->prepare($sql);$sth->execute();while(my($abc)=$sth->fetchrow_array){print $abc,"\n";}$dbh->disconnect()'
getting all the output from DB
perl -we 'print "\n","Type the SQL command here:";our $a=<STDIN>;use DBI;my $dbh=DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:orcl","venkatabc","venkat",{RaiseError=>1,AutoCommit=>0});my $sql=qq{$a};$sth=$dbh->prepare($sql);$sth->execute();while(my @abc=$sth->fetchrow_array){foreach $abc(@abc){$abc="\t" if !defined($abc);print "$abc\t";}print "\n";}$dbh->disconnect()'
perl -we 'use DBI;my $dbh=DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:orcl","venkatabc","venkat",{RaiseError=>1,AutoCommit=>0});print $dbh->selectrow_array(qq{select * from employees});$dbh->disconnect()'
taking SQL statement as input from user
perl -we 'print "Type the SQL command here:";our $a=<STDIN>;use DBI;my $dbh=DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:orcl","venkatabc","venkat",{RaiseError=>1,AutoCommit=>0});print $dbh->selectrow_array(qq{$a}),"\n";$dbh->disconnect()'
taking SQL command from user,taking field delimiter from user and representing data accordingly
perl -we 'print "\n","Type the SQL command here:";our $a=<STDIN>;print "Type the delimiter for field segregation:";our $b=<STDIN>;chomp($b);use DBI;my $dbh=DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:orcl","venkatabc","venkat",{RaiseError=>1,AutoCommit=>0});my $sql=qq{$a};$sth=$dbh->prepare($sql);$sth->execute();while(my @abc=$sth->fetchrow_array){foreach $abc(@abc){$abc="\t" if !defined($abc);print "$abc",$b;}print "\n";}$dbh->disconnect()'
taking sql command and running it infinitely.also asking for quiting or not.
perl -we 'while(1){print "\n","Type the SQL command here:";our $a=<STDIN>;print "Type the delimiter for field segregation:";our $b=<STDIN>;chomp($b);use DBI;my $dbh=DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:orcl","venkatabc","venkat",{RaiseError=>1,AutoCommit=>0});my $sql=qq{$a};$sth=$dbh->prepare($sql);$sth->execute();print "\n";while(my @abc=$sth->fetchrow_array){foreach $abc(@abc){$abc="\t" if !defined($abc);print "$abc",$b;}print "\n";}$dbh->disconnect();print "\n","Do you want to exit(y/n):";$n=<STDIN>;chomp($n);if($n eq "y"){exit}}'
opening pipes inside a perl program
perl -w -e 'open FH,"ls -lrt|cut -d\" \" -f 1|" or die $!;while(<FH>){print}'
file test conditions
perl -wl -e 'if(-e "/home/efhjklx/abc.Z"){print "hi"}'
globbing in file serching
perl -wl -e '$f=glob("abc*");print "$f"'
reading a directory
perl -wl -e 'opendir DH,"/home/efhjklx/" or die $!;while($_=readdir(DH)){print}'
defining a subroutine and using it
perl -wl -e 'abc();sub abc{opendir DH,"/home/efhjklx/" or die $!;while($_=readdir(DH)){print}}'
perl -wl -e '&abc;sub abc{opendir DH,"/home/efhjklx/" or die $!;while($_=readdir(DH)){print}}'
loading data into a hash from 2 files
perl -e '@a=`ls -lrt`;@n=`cat m`;foreach $n(@n){$m{$n}=@a[$n];}print values(%m)'
extracting from a hash values
perl -e 'print "\nThe key value:";chomp($d=<STDIN>);@a=`ls -lrt`;@m=`cat m`;foreach(@m){$c{$_}=@a[$_]};foreach(keys %c){if($_=~/$d/){print "\n",$c{$_},"\n"}}'
hash assignemnet and printing
perl -e '@a=`ls -lrt`;foreach $a(@a){@m=split/\s+/,$a;$c{$m[7]}=$m[8]}print $c{"12:25"}."\n"'
how to delete stobborn files
perl -e '$dir="/var/opt/fds/CDR/scheduledJobCdrOut";opendir DH,$dir;foreach $file(readdir DH){if($file=~/e_/){unlink $file}}'
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